FEMA Provides Youth-Based Workshops

Leading educators and scholars in the field of preparedness education consider our nation’s youth to be the best envoy for taking preparedness messages home to their families. In order to better prepare our nation’s youth to bring preparedness home, FEMA is providing technical assistance workshops to state and local practitioners who support youth-based programs and who are interested in integrating preparedness education into their offerings.

As part of these workshops, participants hear from experts who have developed and delivered some of the most successful youth preparedness programs across the country.  In discussing their programs, they also emphasize the following:

  • Getting Started & Engaging Partners
  • Identifying Curriculum
  • Implementing the Program
  • Promoting the Program
  • Sustainment & Evaluation

You don’t have to wait for a workshop in your area to get started. For more information about integrating preparedness education into your local youth programs, send a message to [email protected]


FireRECRUITER’s Burning Question:  Does anyone else smell opportunity?

How can we use programs like this to enhance the role and community impact of our cadet, explorer, junior firefighter and general recruitment programs? We’d like to hear your ideas.

National Junior Firefighter Program – http://juniors.nvfc.org/

BSA Fire Exploring Program – http://exploring.learningforlife.org/services/career-exploring/fire-service/