“Day in the Life” Shows Service, Sacrifice

This great video from the Pontiac Michigan Fire Department depicts a day in the life of their firefighters, from leaving the house and their family in the morning to returning hours later to their loved ones.

Tastefully done, I think it’s one of the best videos I’ve seen that demonstrates the service of America’s firefighters and recognizes our families who make real sacrifices on our behalf so that we can do what we love to do. I’m not sure of its origin or if it was created just for the video but the voice-over is superb and includes a great motivational message, apparently intended for this fire department that is going through some its darkest times facing the deepest cuts possible. We wish only the best for them in their fight to save their ability to protect their community.

Check it out and let the FireRECRUITER know what you think and be sure to share your fire department recruitment and promotional videos and resources.


Here’s the raw link to the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQrhi0kCVBs&sns=em

PS – Speaking of “A day in the life…” — I spent last week bunking and riding with Hyattsville Volunteers and tried to capture photos and video of what their recent days looked like in serving and connecting with their community. And as is usually the case, they went to a working fire the day after I left. The White Cloud lives!

More on that busy weekend later but for now you can follow the photo trail as they’re uploaded to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tigerschmittendorf/collections/72157625918835397/