In addition, the NVFC has an online AFG and SAFER Grant Narrative Resource Center to help volunteer fire departments write successful narratives with their Assistance to Firefighters Grant and SAFER grant applications. The Resource Center includes copies of narratives from successful past grant applications as well as a grant-writing guide created by the Department of Homeland Security. These model grant narratives are to be used for example or reference purposes only and are not to be directly copied.
The NVFC also partnered with Columbia Southern University (CSU) to release a video podcast of the NVFC’s Grant-Writing Workshop. The workshop goes through the steps for preparing grant applications, with a focus on the AFG, SAFER, and Fire Prevention and Safety Grant programs, and offers tips to improve the chance of success. The podcast is divided into two segments and covers topics such as what projects are most likely to be funded, how to fill out the application, and writing a successful narrative.
Learn more and access these resources at
The FY 2009 SAFER program has approximately $210 million available for grants. The SAFER Grants are administered by the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency and provide grants to fire departments for hiring personnel and to fire departments and regional and state fire associations to implement volunteer recruitment and retention programs. The Program Guidance, tips for writing a good narrative, and the e-grant application are available on the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program web site at