Invest in your youth. Invest in your future.

You may never know the impact of your investing in young people, but one thing is for sure, what the outcomes may continue to be if we don’t try.

A recent article out of Wisconsin highlights a high school fire service prep program that is paying dividends for the participants and the departments they’ll go on to serve in.

Leveraging the time, attention and value of young people can reap long term rewards for your fire department, volunteer or paid. Are there risks, could we train them and then they go off to school or move away for work? Absolutely! But if we do our job right by giving them the foundation, by building good character, by giving them “the bug!” — that investment will benefit a department wherever they land, or you might experience the full return on investment when they move back to your area as life allows, likely fueled in part by the experience support you provided them.

They’re worth the investment.